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Drawing of a seedling with a circle around it
The Livestock Barn

Preservando el pasado,

mirando hacia el futuro

Johnson County Historic Poor Farm logo
Drawing of a seedling

Nuestra misión

La granja histórica para pobres del condado de Johnson ofrece un espacio público para conectarse con la tierra y la historia local a través de oportunidades inclusivas dirigidas por la comunidad.

Large wooden cross located on the Johnson County Historic Poor Farm's unmarked cemetery
Tractor parked in front of the Dairy Barn
Gardeners and farmers seated in chairs in the North Shed talking to one another

El pasado

Donde hemos estado

Reconociendo y registrando la historia de la granja pobre histórica del condado de Johnson.

El presente

Donde estamos

Preservar y devolver a la tierra.

y nuestras comunidades circundantes.

El futuro

A donde iremos

Expansiones y mejoras para mejorar el acceso público y la producción de alimentos.

Drawing of an artichoke


Drawing of a bean pod

Nuestra misión

The public is welcome to visit the Healing Trail, open seven days a week from sunup to sundown.

Note that certain areas of the farm are under active construction.

Please be considerate of farmers at work. Staff is available onsite by appointment only.

You may request a guided tour of the farm’s historic buildings and surrounding areas with the Johnson County Historical Society. Check out our Tours page to learn how.

Drawing of a watering can

Get In Touch

For general information about the Historic Poor Farm, please contact Ilsa DeWald or Jason Grimm:

Ilsa DeWald
Johnson County
Local Food and Farm Manager

Jason Grimm
Iowa Valley RC&D

Farm Manager


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